From Codependent to Inter-dependent
It was almost a year ago that I was called out about having “boundary issues” by someone I highly respected.
It rocked me to my core!
I didn’t have “boundary issues,” I thought. There’s no universal law of boundaries that I had broken. Everyone’s boundaries are different. No one can be expected to know another person’s boundaries if they don’t communicate them!
Filled with anger and shame, I was determined to PROVE HIM WRONG!
And thus began a rigorous quest to learn EVERYTHING one could possibly learn about boundaries.
What I found was not what I expected.
He was right. I did have boundary issues, but not in the way that he implied. I had allowed him to cross mine. I had abandoned my needs for his because I had been conditioned to believe that my needs were unreasonable.
Hi, there! 👋🏻 I’m Shayna,
owner and founder of Return to Love.
- My relationships were always very ONE-SIDED.
- I constantly OVER-GAVE.
- I DEPLETED myself of all of my energy for others.
- I was desperate to PLEASE everyone.
- I NEVER expressed my wants and needs.
- I DIDN’T EVEN KNOW what my needs were.
- I took RESPONSIBILITY for everything and everyone.
- I always ended up filled with RESENTMENT and SHAME.
No More!
Now I’m on a mission to
So I packed everything I learned about boundaries into this 5-day bootcamp.
This is for you if you want…
Clarity around where you are blocking yourself in your relationships and why
Confidence communicating your wants and needs
Tips for setting boundaries with avoidant loved ones
- Strategies for dealing with anxiety around boundary setting
Personalized help scripting your boundaries
A chance to win a 1:1 private session with me ♥
Clarity around where you are blocking yourself in your relationships and why
Confidence communicating your wants and needs
Tips for setting boundaries with avoidant loved ones
- Strategies for dealing with anxiety around boundary setting
Personalized help scripting your boundaries
A chance to win a 1:1 private session with me ♥
What you’ll get…
Five live training sessions ($200 value)
- Boundaries & Communication Workbook ($15 value)
Inner Child Healing Meditation ($10 value)
- Throat and Solar Plexus Chakra Clearing Meditations ($20 value)
Five live training sessions ($200 value)
- Boundaries & Communication Workbook ($15 value)
Inner Child Healing Meditation ($10 value)
- Throat and Solar Plexus Chakra Clearing Meditations ($20 value)
For Only $27!
So if you’re ready to…
- Experience the joy of reciprocal relationships
- Stop letting people drain you of all you have
Start standing in your truth and owning your voice
- Experience the joy of reciprocal relationships
- Stop letting people drain you of all you have
Start standing in your truth and owning your voice